Faith and Freedom Battles are heating up this summer!

July 11, 2007

Some of the battles the American Center for Law & Justice is involved in can be seen below.

Star Bullet Summum v. Pleasant Grove – The latest attack on the public display of the Ten Commandments.  A group is suing to display their own guidelines (the Seven ”Aphorisms”), and we’re already preparing to go to the Supreme Court of the United States if necessary. 
Star Bullet Trunk v. City of San Diego – Opponents of the Mt. Soledad war memorial cross refuse to give up.  They’re relentlessly fighting public expressions of the Christian faith, even after our court victories.  We’ll file an amicus brief in federal court soon.
Star Bullet McLean Bible Church v. McLane, et al. – We’re in federal court because Fairfax County, Va., says a Bible church must become an official college or university in order to hold Bible studies or religious ministry classes in its facilities!  It’s an obvious, outrageous attempt to squelch churches’ proclamation of the Gospel – and an attack on freedom of religion and speech.
Star Bullet We’re preparing a federal case in defense of Teen Challenge, one of the world’s most successful drug rehab programs.  A local Tennessee planning commission has discriminated against this Christian organization by refusing them the use of property already zoned for rehab services!
Star Bullet We’re working hard to turn back congressional efforts to pass a so-called ”Freedom of Choice Act,” which would enshrine Roe v. Wade into law and open the floodgates for abortion. 

Please consider making a donation to help them.  They are fighting hard for our religious liberty!

To make a donation click here.

ACLJ Expanding Washington Office – Needs Your Help!

June 19, 2007

For those of you who may not be familiar with the ACLJ (American Center for Law & Justice), they are the group that is on the front line in Washington fighting for our religious freedoms as Christians.  The ACLJ is contantly standing up and fighting groups such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, N.O.W., Americans United, and other liberal groups that are attacking Christianity and the values that we stand for.

In order to fight these fights, the ACLJ needs skilled attorneys that know their stuff!  I am asking that you consider making a donation to the ACLJ that will go towards expanding the Washington office with the following positions:

  • We need at least two more lawyers, working primarily in Government Affairs, to research legislation, prepare challenges to legislation already passed, and represent our interests in the halls of the House and Senate.
  • We must fund a new Deputy Director of Government Affairs to oversee primarily our interaction with the House of Representatives.
  • We have assigned three lawyers from our Virginia office, headquartered at Regent University, to assist our Washington team; but we must also increase our staff in Washington, including interns, to increase our legal research capacity.

Thank you for attention to this very important matter.  To make a donation to the ACLJ, please click here!