The Coming Persecution

July 3, 2008

From Chuck Colson and Breakpoint.

How Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Will Harm Christians


“It is all about equal rights, the gay “marriage” lobby keeps telling us. We just want the right to marry, like everyone else.

That is what they are telling us. But that is not what they mean. If same-sex “marriage” becomes the law of the land, we can expect massive persecution of the Church.

As my friend Jennifer Roback Morse notes in the National Catholic Register, “Legalizing same-sex ‘marriage’ is not a stand-alone policy . . . Once governments assert that same-sex unions are the equivalent of marriage, those governments must defend and enforce a whole host of other social changes.”

The bad news is these changes affect other liberties we take for granted, such as religious freedom and private property rights. Several recent cases give us a sobering picture of what we can expect if we do not actively embrace—and even promote—same-sex “marriage.”

For instance, a Methodist retreat center recently refused to allow two lesbian couples to use a campground pavilion for a civil union ceremony. The state of New Jersey punished the Methodists by revoking the center’s tax-exempt status—a vindictive attack on the Methodists’ religious liberty.

In Massachusetts, where judges imposed gay marriage a few years ago, Catholic Charities was ordered to accept homosexual couples as candidates for adoption. Rather than comply with an order that would be harmful to children, Catholic Charities closed down its adoption program.

California public schools have been told they must be “gay friendly,” as Roback Morse notes. But it will not stop with public schools. Just north of the border in Quebec, the government told a Mennonite school that it must conform to provincial law regarding curriculum—a curriculum that teaches children that homosexuality is a valid lifestyle. How long will it be before the U.S. government goes after private schools?

Even speaking out against homosexuality can get you fired. Crystal Dixon, an associate vice president at the University of Toledo, was fired after writing an opinion piece in the Toledo Free Press in support of traditional marriage . . . Fired—for exercising her First Amendment rights!

Promoters of same-sex “marriage” seem to go out of their way to target Christian businesses and churches. Their goal, it seems, is not the right to “marry,” but to punish anyone who disagrees with them.

Clearly, there is a spiritual battle going on here: Christians are under attack because they are a public witness to the fact that a holy God created us male and female, and we will always put obedience to Him and His laws above obedience to any earthly demand for loyalty.

The coming persecution of Christians is one more reason why we need to get involved with efforts to pass laws at the state and federal level defining marriage as a legal relationship between one man and one woman. We must protect, not only genuine marriage, but also many of the freedoms we now take for granted: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom to use private property the way we see fit—all are under threat.

And we must tell our friends and neighbors why gay “marriage” is not just about equality: It is about forcing religious believers to accept the validity of the homosexual lifestyle—or else.”

Day of Truth

April 27, 2008

From the Alliance Defense Fund.

Day of Truth

Your gift enables Christian students to bring the Truth to their classmates

In the past, students who have attempted to speak against the promotion of the homosexual agenda have been censored or, in some cases, punished for their beliefs. You may remember Chase Harper, a high school student who was placed in a room and interrogated by an armed deputy after peacefully expressing his Christian beliefs regarding homosexual behavior.

Encouraging this censorship is none other than GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network). In 1996, the organization created the Day of Silence, encouraging students to express their support for homosexual behavior by making a display of saying nothing all day, to anyone. Teachers are encouraged to add their support by indulging the silence of their students. Far from the pursuit of truth, proponents of the Day of Silence discourage open and honest discussion.

And so, the Day of Truth was launched.

The Day of Truth is a national project established to counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda and allow students to express an opposing viewpoint from a Christian perspective. Last year, in the third year of the project, more than 7,000 students—representing 1,022 schools in 49 states—participated, engaging their peers in thoughtful, respectful discussions. Reports from students throughout the country show that the event was a resounding success.

On Monday, April 28, students across the nation will once again wear a specially designed Truth T-shirt and pass out cards outside of class time with the following message:

I’m speaking the Truth to break the silence.
True tolerance means that people with differing — even opposing — viewpoints can freely exchange ideas and respectfully listen to each other.
It’s time for an honest conversation about homosexuality.
There’s freedom to change if you want to.
Let’s talk.

As a legal alliance, ADF works closely with other organizations and ministries who share our goals. This year, Focus on the Family and Exodus International have joined the project as allies, providing information and support regarding the theological, social, research, and religious ministry issues central to this debate. Their involvement provides students with resources we could not provide alone, and as a result, we are expecting the best Day of Truth ever. But we still need your help to ensure the success of this critical project.

If officials can block the Truth in public schools, they can block it anywhere. That’s why it’s vital that we defend students’ freedom to hear and speak the Truth. These young people have shown they have the courage to stand for the Truth – and as a result, lives and hearts are being changed. Your gift today helps us continue providing students with the necessary resources to speak the Truth into the lives of classmates who desperately need to hear it.

Your support will change not only what tomorrow looks like in America . . . but also what today looks like for our children and grandchildren.

Procter & Gamble promotes explicit open-mouth homosexual kissing

April 25, 2008

From the American Family Association.

Procter & Gamble has resumed using explicit, open-mouth homosexual kissing in their soap opera, “As the World Turns.” P&G decided to include this type of content as a commitment to “diversity.” P&G stopped showing such scenes some months ago, but has now decided to again help promote the homosexual agenda which includes homosexual marriage.

Gay activists are hopeful that the P&G effort will desensitize viewers to the homosexual lifestyle and help make the unhealthy and immoral lifestyle more acceptable to society, especially to children and youth.

View a scene from the April 23, 2008 episode by P&G. WARNING – content is repulsive!

As the World Turns” is owned and controlled completely by P&G. No network made this decision. P&G alone made the decision to support the homosexual agenda.

Take Action!
P&G needs to hear from you today. We have provided a sample letter for you to send to Chairman Lafley, but strongly encourage you to add a personal message.

  • Help us spread the word about P&G by forwarding this to friends and family. Ask your pastor to put this information in the church bulletin and newsletter.
  • P&G’s products include Tide, Crest and Pampers.
  • Send an e-mail to P&G Chairman A.G. Lafley.
  • Find P&G products in your home. Each product will have a toll-free number for that product line on the label. Call the number and let them know you oppose their promotion of homosexuality. P&G’s direct line which reaches a live person is 513-983-1100 .

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

April 20, 2008

I just saw this movie yesterday and it was absolutely incredible.  I believe it is one of the most important movies of my generation.  I highly encourage everyone to go and see it and let others know about it.

See details on the movie below from Answers in Genesis.

Excited about Expelled!

I urge you to go to one of the 1,000 movie theaters that will be showing the excellent and entertaining documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, which starts tomorrow.

I have already attended two previews of Expelled, and I look forward to seeing it again—that’s how great this film truly is. It exposes how radical evolutionists will persecute those who don’t accept evolution. It gives many examples of scientists and others whose careers have been ruined by the “evolution police”—yet at the same time manages to be humorous, thanks to its witty host (actor Ben Stein) and the insertion of funny movie clips.

Although Stein is not a biblical creationist and comes from a Jewish background, we have found some common ground with him, as he does a masterful job of exposing the scientific problems with Darwinian evolution as well as the ruthlessness of its defenders in suppressing academic freedom. It’s not a Christian film, but it is very much worth your time because you will get a better understanding of the creation/evolution battle and how it is on the front lines of the culture war. Plus, you will see compelling evidence for design in the universe.

To find a showing, go to the film’s website, and if you don’t see one of your local movie houses listed, call the theater’s manager and urge that it be shown. Your recommendation can go a long way to getting the film played and having your community see it. Or ask your pastor to call and ask how the church can book a showing of Expelled and then fill the theater with church members and guests.

Previews of the film have been met with standing ovations. Go see it for yourself and be prepared to stand up and cheer. (By the way, look for the scene in the film where protestors are picketing our Creation Museum!) For the moment, watch a trailer, endorsements, and video clips of Expelled at:

Remember: Expelled comes out tomorrow, April 18. Your support for the movie could help ensure that millions more people see the powerful evidence for design and learn about the loss of academic freedom at the hands of evolutionists.

Thank you,

Ken Ham

President, Answers in Genesis–U.S.

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

April 17, 2008

From Frank Turek and


Because of your support:


Since November, I’ve had the opportunity to present I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist to over 6,000 students between seven college seminars and three high school events.  We are currently scheduling multiple events for the fall.  


Atheists at UNC Wilmington had difficulty answering questions about the source of objective morality.  Click here to read about it: Atheists Have No Basis for Morality.


I’ve challenged atheists to provide causes for ten known effects (such as the origin of the universe out of nothing, the origin of life, objective morality, etc.).  To see the challenge, their responses, and a fascinating discussion, click here: Darwinists Have a Lot of Explaining to Do.

We are now broadcasting I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist into 15 million households every Sunday night at 6 pm ET (3 pm PT) on DirecTV channel 378 (rebroadcast 2 a.m. Monday morning, 11 pm PT).   Click here to see a clip from the TV show about how the New Testament is too embarrassing to be false.

We have also been invited to air the TV program on a cable station into another 10 million households.  Please pray negotiations go well. is getting national attention.  After referencing us in a couple of columns, Mike Adams recently devoted an entire column to and how we are trying save this next generation from atheism and to Christ.  It’s called “Forward this Column or Get Stuck on Stupid.”   This article alone has brought us several invitations for next semester on campuses and churches all over the country!

We are now gearing up for two major events this summer (click here for the complete calendar):  The first is the CrossExamined Instructor Academy (CIA) from August 13-15 where we will train other apologists to conduct the seminar.  That way we can blanket campuses across the country with I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (there will be an e-mail with details on CIA coming soon).  Please pray that those who will be most effective will apply to the program.

The second major event is a parent-student I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist conference to equip entire households with a defense against atheism and a positive case for Christianity (times and places to follow soon).  Please pray that the details fall into place so that a maximum number of families are impacted. 

In addition to conducting seminars next fall, I’ll be debating atheist Christopher Hitchens on September 9, 2008 at Virginia Commonweath University .  Mr. Hitchens, author of God is Not Great:  How Religion Poisons Everything, will be a formidable opponent.  I treasure your prayers.


At our campus events we’ve gotten several small unsolicited donations from students.  It is a blessing to   them to be part of the body wanting to give a ready defense – and a joy to us to know that they thought the program was so effective that they wanted to make sure we continued on to the next campus, and the next, and the next.  Will you help us get to the next campus?  Since we charge the students nothing for campus events, we rely on your support.  Please click here to donate.


Thank you for forwarding this message to your friends or relatives who would enjoy supporting this critical mission!







Homosexual “Day of Silence” coming to Texas High Schools

April 2, 2008

From the American Family Association.

Your child’s classroom may be disrupted by gay activism

On, Friday, April 25, several dozen schools in Texas will be observing “Day of Silence (DOS).” DOS is a nationwide push to promote the homosexual lifestyle in public schools.

When AFA alerted parents of this public school classroom disruption by homosexual student activists, many Texans took action immediately! As a result, 23 schools had their name removed from the participating list. If you haven’t gotten involved, it’s critical that you do so today!

Take Action!
What should parents do? Check with your local school principal to see if your child’s school will be participating in DOS. If the school is participating, notify other parents about DOS and ask them to join in keeping their children out of school on that day.
A simple phone call or letter to your local Texas school administrators, telling them your child will not attend school the day it observes DOS, may be enough to cause some participating schools to change their plans.

Sample letter here.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Day of Silence.

Here is a partial list of Texas schools which the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network says are participating in DOS:

Akins H.S. Arlington Heights H.S. Austin H.S.
Sycamore H.S. Bellaire H.S. Boswell H.S.
Brackenridge H.S. Crowley H.S. Cypress Springs H.S.
Del Valle H.S. Denton H.S. Episcopal H.S.
Fox Tech H.S. Furr H.S. Gonzalo Garza Independence H.S.
H.S. for the Health Professions Hightower H.S. Jack C. Hays H.S.
James Madison H.S. Jay H.S. Kempner H.S.
Kingwood H.S. Lanier H.S. Lyndon B. Johnson H.S.
McCallum H.S. McNeil H.S. Northbrook H.S.
Reagan H.S. Rowe H.S. Sandra Day O’Conner H.S.
Sharpstown H.S. St. John H.S. Taft H.S.
The Kinkaid School Westlake H.S. Westside H.S.

If your school is listed, call your local school and ascertain whether they officially or passively allow students to observe “Day of Silence.” If your school is listed, please double-check with your local school to see if the school is actually sponsoring DOS. Sometimes the “participation” turns out to be a handful of kids who are saying they have a homosexual club and are observing this protest day, but without school endorsement. We sincerely hope your school, if listed, is not actually an official sponsor. If it is not, we will take them off the list, if a school official asks us to do so. Please e-mail your correction to

Some tips:

Be sure of the date that DOS is planned for your school. (The national date is April 25, but some schools observe DOS on a different date.)
Inform the school of your intention to keep your child home on that date and explain why. See the sample letter above.
Explain to your children why you’re taking a stand: Homosexual behavior is not an innate identity; it is a sinful, unnatural and destructive behavior. No school should advance a physically, emotionally, and spiritually destructive sexual lifestyle to students.
Schools do not have to tolerate students remaining silent in class. Schools can adopt policies that require parental consent for students to attend any club, including those premised on sexual orientation or gender identity. Here is more information from Attorney Mat Staver with Liberty Counsel who provides free information to parents, students, and schools regarding their rights associated with noncompliance on the Day of Silence.

Thank you for caring enough to get involved. If you feel our efforts are worthy of support, would you consider making a small tax-deductible contribution? Click here to make a donation.


Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman American Family Association

A Call to Action

February 3, 2008


Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
(2 Peter 1:2)

In the latter months of 2007, there was a flurry of incidents attempting to censor America’s religious heritage (e.g., the capstone at the Washington Monument, the flag folding ceremony in the Veterans’ Department, the flag certificates from the Architect of the Capitol, etc.). In each case, citizens learned of the incidents and in large numbers made their feelings known; each policy was promptly reversed.

In response to those (and other) incidents, Congressman Randy Forbes of Virginia introduced a Congressional Resolution affirming America’s Godly heritage through dozens of documented historic examples.

That measure, H.Res.888, declares its two-fold purpose:

Affirming the rich spiritual and religious history of our Nation’s founding and subsequent history and expressing support for designation of the first week in May as “American Religious History Week” for the appreciation of and education on America’s history of religious faith.

The House has agreed to consider and debate this excellent resolution. There are three things you can do to help:

  1. Call your Member of Congress and ask him or her to co-sponsor H.Res.888 (to identify your Member of Congress, click here, enter your zip code in the upper left hand portion of the page, and hit “GO.”)
  2. Call Randy’s office (202.225.6365) and thank him for standing up for our religious heritage. (All folks appreciate encouragement, but especially those on the front lines of battle.)
  3. Forward the resolution to others (it is downloadable). It will remind Americans what God has done for them and instruct the next generation about God’s hand in America’s history.

God bless!

Teachers Told Not To Say “Mum” Or “Dad”

February 3, 2008

From Gary Randall and Faith & Freedom Network & Foundation.

“Guidance materials have been sent out to all teachers, instructing them to avoid assumptions that pupils will have a conventional family background.

It says primary students as young as four should be familiarized with the idea of same-sex couples to help combat homophobic attitudes.

It also states that children who call classmates “gay” should be treated the same as racists as part of a “zero-tolerance” crackdown on the use of the word as an insult.

The instruction includes telling teachers to avoid telling boys to “be a man” or accuse them of “behaving like a bunch of women.”

This guidance was produced for the Government in the UK by the gay rights advocacy group, Stonewall, and was launched day before yesterday.

The DAILY MAIL reports that the new material tells teachers that they should, “Not assume that their pupils have a “mum and dad.” And should avoid using those words in favor of “parents.”

It also instructs teachers, when discussing marriage with secondary students, to educate pupils about civil partnerships and gay adoption rights.

It is suggested that English lessons for teenagers could focus on the emotions of the gay Italian soldier, Carlo, in Captain Corelli’s Mandolin.

What is concerning about this, and the reason I bring it to you, is because five years ago, gay lobbyists and lawmakers were having much the same dialog that we are having in Washington State.

The gay lobbyists assured the lawmakers that they only wanted to be protected and would never use the repeal of SECTION 28 as a vehicle to teach homosexuality. SECTION 28 banned the promotion of homosexuality in schools. The lawmakers conceded and repealed the law.

Now, five years later, under the guise of an anti-bullying campaign, they are indoctrinating using information.

Every one would agree that children, under no circumstances, should be allowed to bully other kids.

I think many would also agree with a growing number of concerned citizens in the UK that this appears to be a near reverse bullying tactic, force feeding kids certain information, then having schools, “Encourage gay role models among staff, parents and governors.”

The material further states that, “Homosexual staff should be able to discuss their private lives after consultation with the head teacher.”

People are now becoming aware that the gay lobby has grown significantly in influence and are expressing concern.

Take a mental picture and make a note to yourself. Unless the gay lobbyists and activist lawmakers are restrained in Washington State, you are looking at the future.

It is not about benefits, bullying, rights or even “marriage,” it is about affirming a lifestyle that has been rejected by every major religion in the history of the human race.”

Gary Randall
Faith & Freedom

Life with No Absolutes Becomes Absolutely Ridiculous

February 3, 2008

From Dr. Jonathan Falwell and the Moral Majority.

“Sometimes you see events unfolding in our nation and you just sit back and wonder how things got so out of control.  

As the father of four children, I am becoming increasingly concerned that America is recklessly rushing from the values that made this nation great and healthy, while also turning away from God’s Word.  Let’s examine just a few of these recent happenings.

Here in Virginia , the College of William and Mary, which infamously removed a historic cross from a chapel last year, has again authorized a controversial sex workers’ “art show” that actually features strippers and things I can’t mention in this column.  The college, founded under biblical guidelines, has certainly disregarded its Christian heritage. 

The Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Thomas More Law Center has asked a Maryland circuit court judge to overturn a county board of education ruling that approves of public schools instructing 8th and 10th graders that homosexuality is natural and innate.  The program also instructs kids on condom usage.  Maybe the school might like to think about teaching the kids how to … oh, I don’t know, read and write.  

The city council in Berkeley , Calif. , has told the U.S. Marines they are not welcomed there because the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy on homosexuality violates the city’s anti-discrimination law.  I imagine the city would quickly change its tune if a disaster occurred there and the Marines were needed. 

In San Diego , the ACLU and Planned Parenthood are compelling a school board to halt its longstanding policies requiring parental notification when pregnant students are contemplating abortion, as well as parental consent before students leave campus, including trips to abortion clinics.  While the ACLU and PP claim that the school board’s policy is “antiquated and dangerous,” Pacific Justice Institute President Brad Dacus says, “Parental responsibility is indispensable to a decent society.” 

Students who initiated a pro-life club at Westmont High School in San Jose , Calif. , had to seek legal help from the Alliance Defense Fund because their school refused to grant the club the same access and privileges as other clubs.  Thankfully, the administration retracted this policy after learning — like many educators have to learn — that they can’t discriminate against pro-life and Christian kids solely because they have faith-based clubs. 

A journalism student at Paradise Valley Community College in Phoenix received a failing grade because she wrote a profile of actor Kirk Cameron and his faith in Jesus Christ.  The American Center for Law and Justice stepped in and the school reversed the ruling, awarding Sara Sloan her degree.  “This was one of the most egregious violations of a student’s free speech rights we have ever seen — a troubling case about a college that not only failed to respect the viewpoint of one of its students, but penalized that student because of her Christian faith,” said the ACLJ’s Jay Sekulow.  

A gay rights group in England is encouraging schools to halt using words like “mum” and “dad” because they may be offensive to non-traditional families.  The action follows last year’s California bill, signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, which said the terms “mom and dad” and “husband and wife” are discriminatory. 

As you can see from this handful of examples, our nation is increasingly turning its heart away from God.  The ongoing result will be confusion and social mayhem, as our children are taught there are no moral absolutes and that “diversity” shall be their way of life.  In addition, I fear that in the not-too-distant future our nation’s churches will be targeted for teaching biblical concepts that counter the diversity-crazed culture. 

What’s a Christian to do? 

Even though the Gospel is unpopular these days, we must remember that God has empowered us to speak to the culture even when the message is unwelcome: “But ye shall receive power, after that the holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). 

May we carry this verse in our hearts as we continue to reach out to a lost and dying world.”

‘Find a way’ to get out of public schools, says Baucham

January 30, 2008

From Rusty Pugh and One News Now.

“Voddie Baucham advocates Christians pulling their children out of government-run schools. He has a response for those who say they can’t afford private education or home-schooling — find a way. Dr. Voddie Baucham says Christians cannot expect to win the culture war unless they are willing to pull their children out of the public schools — or as he calls them, “the pagan schools” — which allow teaching that is not biblical. According to Baucham, many Christians say they would love to get out of public schools, but cannot afford the alternative. His answer is simple — find a way. “Do whatever you have to do. Do you know there’s a national network of home-schooling single mothers? They find a way. It’s amazing what people do to find a way,” he says. “We find a way to do everything else in this world — and nothing matters more than what we’re doing to pass on the faith from generation to generation.” Baucham is also calling on churches to step up and help. “[Churches need] to find a way to assist and equip Christians, to disciple them in this area of education,” Baucham continues, “so that the church can then assist parents who need help finding a way to get their children out of these pagan schools.” The Christian education advocate has released a new DVD series called, “Whoever Controls the School Controls the World.”